What is MOmentum


The breadth of breast cancer occurrence among women cannot be underestimated. According to the American Cancer Society in 2019 nationally, it was estimated that 268,600 new cases of invasive breast cancer would be diagnosed among women. In addition, approximately 41,760 women would die from breast cancer. For our local area, the Ohio Department of Health reported that for every 100,000 women, 131.8 would be diagnosed with the disease in Cuyahoga County alone. To insure the success rate of recovery for cancer patients, practical support for the victims of this disease is essential.

The Momentum organization was started in memory of my sister Maureen who passed away from breast cancer in 2007. We initially formed a golf outing in the memory of Maureen, The Maureen T. O’Brien Golf Memorial Scramble. The monies from that event were donated to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. However, many of our supporters were not comfortable with the direction the Susan G. Komen Foundation was taking in their use of the funds donated. Additionally, Maureen always had felt that those who really needed assistance never received the type of support required to maintain their everyday living. Thus, we established a fund called Momentum to address the service gap.

After an environmental scan of the local treatment centers, we found that patients were provided rides to and from treatment centers, medical service payment assistance through graduated payment plans, and some help in offsetting drug costs. However, the day-to-day struggles encountered while undergoing treatment for Breast Cancer, especially for single women, were not addressed. We determined our goal to be to provide assistance with daily needs to as many women Breast Cancer patients as we could.

There are every day challenges for those going through treatment such as paying rent and utilities, and buying groceries. Trying to keep up with the cleaning of their homes or caring for their yards are additional challenges for women weak from chemotherapy. To address these daily tasks, we offer the following free services to ease the burden of Cancer: Bill Payment Assistance, House Cleaning, Lawn Care, Light Home Maintenance and Medical Appointment Transportation.

Looking at our history we have raised over $200,000 and helped over 400 clients suffering from breast cancer. The services we provide have reached people from every walk of life. We have provided rent assistance to those who were on the verge of losing their homes. Others, because of medical expenses, were about to have their electricity and or gas turned off. We were able to provide for them to keep their utilities stable. Another patient was out of the hospital radius to get any assistance for medical transport. We were there to help them, as well as, provide medical transportation for 15 other patients on a regular basis to their treatments and appointments. An elderly lady who was unable to care for her lawn during treatment was assisted by Momentum throughout the entire treatment schedule. These are some examples of how Momentum’s services fill a necessary need for Breast Cancer patients that others organizations do not or cannot provide.

Because of our success, Momentum is looking to continue its service. Through collaboration with local medical facilities and their staffs, the American Cancer Society and other organizations who work with Breast Cancer patients, Momentum will continue to assist those in need. We will use social media to connect our service with those who would benefit. As our non-profit continues to evolve, we must remain relevant and innovative with the people we serve. If we desire to continue offering services free, innovative fund raising is a necessity. Continuous evaluation of previous, current and future financial strategies is necessary to insure we are reaching our financial objectives and achieving future funding goals.

 Mission Statement

Our organization exists to support women cancer survivors with practical, every-day living tasks, free of charge, throughout their treatment. Our motto summarizes this intent: Giving Hope by Supporting Life.

 Vision Statement

To maximize support for women fighting breast cancer in the hope that one day everyone fighting breast cancer will have all their essential needs met.